
نحن هنا لتقديم تجربة مميزة لكم

نحرص دائما وأبدا على أن نضع أعمالك على خارطة طريق ونعتز دوما بالدعم اللا محدود من قاداتنا ونفتخر بتواجدنا في بلد التنمية والحضارة.

مستوى الجودة

Our goal is to create assets from our clients’ innovations through patent, trademark and copyright law.  We take great pride in providing quality trademark legal services and exceptional customer service every single day.


The attorneys at Miller & Cole work as a team to exceed each of our clients’ expectations. We have 30+ years of high-level experience helping businesses protecting the time, money and resources spent developing ideas and inventions.


Office => (555) 555-5555
[email protected]


123 Example Rd
Scottsdale, AZ 85260